Alparc - Le réseau alpin des espaces protégés

YOUrALPS in line with EUSALP Action Group 3 topics – Education, Labor Market Adequacy and Training

On May 2nd and 3rd, ALPARC participated at the 9th meeting of EUSALP action group 3 which was held in Poschiavo, CH. The main focus of the action group work is dual education and the creation of future opportunities on the Alpine job market. The YOUrALPS comparative report being finished by the end of June focuses on the analysis of political framework conditions for the implementation of mountain relevant subjects in education to foster youth employment in the Alpine areas. In this context several curricula of vocational schools with “green jobs” course choices were studied in the five countries in order to draw conclusions on the integration of relevant contents. Moreover, the international network and webplatform add to establishing a transnational community in the Alps and may be used as a platform of exchange for other EUSALP projects. In this sense, YOUrALPS is contributing to challenging youth migration and adds to the strategic orientation in the macroregional strategy. Hence, action group members are in favour of taking advantage of the synergies associated with the project.     ALPARC is lead partner for YOUrALPS: Educating Youth for the Alps: (re)connecting Youth and Mountain Heritage for an inspiring future in the Alps. YOUrALPS is an Interreg Alpine Space project and lasts from November 2016 to October 2019. It is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. For further information about the project, please visit the YOUrALPS website.

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